Originally from Montreal, Quebec, Suzan moved to the Woodstock area in 2011.
She is passionate about printmaking. After doing watercolours for 24 years Suzan was introduced to linocuts at a workshop in 2017.
Linocut is a type of relief printmaking. She draws the image on a linoleum tile and carves away areas with small chisels. These create a relief below the surface of the block with the balance of the image remaining on top. The block is then inked, the paper pressed on, and the image transferred. Suzan’s graphic eye is attracted to strong forms in landscape and architecture, the contrast of black and white in her work marrying beautifully with it.
“I don’t know which is more satisfying, cutting or printing, but I do know that when I peel the paper away from the block to reveal the image for the first time, it is a thing of joy to behold.”